Keith McKeever

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Business Partner Highlight: Whitney Broomfield

Keith McKeever 0:02

Whitney, welcome to, to our little chat here about edge finance. So tell us a little bit about who you are.

Whitney Broomfield 0:11

So I'm Whitney Broomfield. I have been in the industry for going on three years now. I started in retail and worked retail for about two years. And I just switched over to the broker side about seven months ago. Best move I've ever made. Yes, so I worked for interim finance. We are almost license in all 50 states. We are creeping our way to that right now. So we just got licensed in Illinois, where I'm Private primarily from. So yeah,

Keith McKeever 0:50

almost 50 states. So states, Hawaii and Alaska, they always get new, they still last like everything

Whitney Broomfield 0:57

is one of our most popular states. Almost the most income out of Hawaii.

Keith McKeever 1:04

So what's the you get the honor privilege of being last? I wonder?

Whitney Broomfield 1:08

I would, I would probably say Iowa?

Keith McKeever 1:13

Yeah. Well, you know,

Whitney Broomfield 1:15

not even starting to get license tonight.

Keith McKeever 1:18

But you said in Talladega Nights. Last right? So you've been in the business for a good number of years. But you've been doing this for just a couple. So yeah, how did you originally get into the banking mortgage industry?

Whitney Broomfield 1:36

Um, so I was a personal banker for 10 years, I worked with Wells Fargo saw same thing. And then I worked with Chase for about six years after that, so I did a lot of, you know, banking things. So I referred a lot of people over to our loan officers, I talked a lot about what docs they would need. So I did a lot of handshakes. But I had my daughter, and I wanted to work from home. So I decided to do my CEE my course my 20 hour course get my license, and I've been loving it ever since.

Keith McKeever 2:24

Well, there's nothing like working from home, as we're both doing right now.

Whitney Broomfield 2:27

It's the best thing in the world.

Keith McKeever 2:30

You can't beat it. You know what? It's not that far away. So that's wonderful. And yes, I only have to compete with my wife for the coffee. So yeah, it's not like you get a whole office, you got to

Whitney Broomfield 2:40

my, my couch. So it's wonderful.

Keith McKeever 2:45

So when you were doing the personal finance, you said was that like line of credit? Those kinds of things, those kind of personal so I

Whitney Broomfield 2:52

was opening vaping, health savings accounts, credit cards, and then I was referring them over for mortgages, auto loans, things like that.

Keith McKeever 3:04

Gotcha. Yeah, the first step in the process got to have the account first. Yeah, of course. So. So what why, since you've been with a couple different places, why edge home finance.

Whitney Broomfield 3:14

So I, like I said, I worked through retail for about two and a half years, I worked for two great companies under two amazing people, but I was looking to grow my personal brand and my business warm. And edge home is amazing for that. So they, they actually want you to represent yourself represent your brand, what you're looking to do, they give me the freedom to grow my business the way I would like to grow it. They're amazing. They're amazing. I actually have a market specialist that works with me, and she I just email her and she puts everything together. For me, I'll say I want to put a video together an email signature, you know, a website and she does all that for me it she's literally amazing. It's an amazing company.

Keith McKeever 4:12

That's awesome. And I can totally relate because that's one of the reasons I went to Fathom Realty was that I had a lot of freedom there too. But that was one of the attractive things with Fathom beyond their core values was, look, it's your business, as long as you're legally compliant, and you're doing what you need to do for license law and code of ethics. Like run your business, if you want to have a different colored sign fine as long as the logos on there. Here's all these different. Yeah, that was one of the things I'm like, Hey, you can't argue with that. Because there's so everything with business these days is more so have that connection with somebody, like do you know that know like and trust factor? To me, that's a big deal. You know, I want to show people who I am and if you like me, you like me, it's great. If you don't Fine. Yeah, exactly. So now that you've been doing those for a little while, is there a certain area of that, that you like to specialize in like VA loans, rural development? FHA, you know,

Whitney Broomfield 5:15

that's funny you asked that. Because I usually specialize in residential, I still do. I do a lot of FHA, conventional. But I'm starting to dabble into the commercial and investment side. So I, as a broker, I have access to over 60 Different lenders, residential and commercial. So I have access to a couple that I use my land base is my primary for commercial, they're mixing any commercial and investment scenario they can take on with flying colors. They're amazing. You literally get on a phone call with me, and my age, and you say, I think I'm gonna buy land and maybe put a barn on there and some animals and maybe turn it into a farm. And he'll go, Yeah, well, we can finance that land. We can finance that cattle, all the equipment you need and the barn all in one. That was That sounds like. Yeah, it's pretty.

Keith McKeever 6:24

You kind of painted a picture, and I'm thinking of miniature horses go. You said that, like a hobby farm? Yeah, it's a cheaper way to farm. I think, I don't know,

Whitney Broomfield 6:35

like, llama farm. It's just

Keith McKeever 6:38

some people are into that. I don't know. I wouldn't. I don't know if first thing about him, I think it'd be a little bit of a learning curve to that. But yeah, but that's cool that you have access to all those. I think for anybody watching this, they there's two different two differences in the lending world, you have people who work for one institution, and they can write loans for that institution. And then you have brokers like yourself that have access to this wide array of opera options, where we do jot down the information and say, okay, where does it fit best. And we're gonna get the best rate, the best terms best, you know, xy and z. So,

Whitney Broomfield 7:12

though we, on my residential site, we're partnered with some amazing lenders. But you WM is our top lender that we work with. They're absolutely amazing. They're actually saving a deal for one of my friends right now. I'm saving them a good amount of points and rates right now, but actually getting the deal close. So I just turn this deal in December 1. And we already have the clear to close. We've had it for a few weeks, or a few days now. So they're super fast, quick turn times. You can't compete with them with rates at all. So one of our number one, they're amazing.

Keith McKeever 7:54

Yeah, it's good to have some flexibility, especially with closing dates, it is and other things. And in this market here, as we record this at the end of 2022, like it's been a wild and crazy year. Yeah, having more options and flexibility is, is huge. So yep, yep. So what do you what do you love the most about what you do?

Whitney Broomfield 8:13

Love. So because I've been in customer service for 10 years, plus, it is all about building the relationship between most of my business comes from from referrals. I don't do a lot of marketing, things like that. It's all just referral base, I make sure that I am there every step of the way with my borrower that they're completely informed that they feel comfortable. And I have borrowers now that I still text and talk to every day. I know their kids birthdays, I know their favorite colors or favorite foods, I send gifts every year so I built that being a personal banker for so long, that was a huge part of my job. And that hasn't changed in this industry. And I love that I don't get to build those reports.

Keith McKeever 9:04

That is one of the new things about being in our line of work because you get to know on a on a different level it's not a it's not go into a store and buy a couch checkout and couch gets delivered next week kind of a transact right I know you're with people a long time a lot of communication back and forth. So it was really nice to get to know people and get to know what you said about their kids and I don't know my favorite color. I don't know if I don't know if I ever knew anybody's favorite color. I probably I probably did. Somebody probably told you that but I just don't remember recall it. Part of

Whitney Broomfield 9:40

my application is I asked him birthday social favorite colors. That's how he's like,

Keith McKeever 9:49

Oh, throw somebody off. If you really did, he'd be like yeah, that'd be like ask weird. Never had a weird one. Okay. Blue, whatever. So, so outside of work, tell us a little about yourself there. What, what kind of hobbies do you have? What kind of things do you like to do here in the community.

Whitney Broomfield 10:11

Um, so I like to spend a lot of time with my children. I have a 14 year old, I have a three year old that runs crazy, appropriately. So we love all of the little things that kids need to do in Vegas. So we love our students. We love all we've been to every single one of them parks, the riverfront Museum, all sorts of things. I do want to do a shout out, brother really quick.

Keith McKeever 10:40

Sure, absolutely glad.

Whitney Broomfield 10:42

So I'm here for you. It has never had their own flag. And my brother was nominated to design the Peoria flag and actually won. So he made history for Peoria. So our very first flag My brother has defined and you will see it flying around. It's amazing. So he spent a lot of time on that we went to a huge ceremony to celebrate that riverfront Museum. That I've never been there and check that out. That is definitely something they do. impure. Yeah, it's amazing.

Keith McKeever 11:16

Definitely should be at the top of a lot of people's list. Oh, yeah. Are you live here again? Been on there? Absolutely. And I didn't know that, you know, through Facebook and whatnot, about your brother. And that's, that's a pretty cool thing. I mean, talking about writing your name in history books, right. Like, first designer in the first city flag. So I would have to keep a closer eye out as I drive through town. See, see when I spotted first. So so if somebody wants to get I think he kind of frozen up there. There we go. So if somebody wants to get in touch with you, what's the best way they can get get in touch with you? Absolutely. So

Whitney Broomfield 11:51

um, you have access to me on Instagram, Facebook, I have an email that I will send and a phone number you're able to phone? ring me up, text me whatever you have to do.

Keith McKeever 12:04

Yep. Awesome. Well, I've got to scroll across the bottom there. But to have no fear. If you're watching this in the show notes. I'll have all the links down there. So any last words? Anything else that you want to say?

Whitney Broomfield 12:16

No, I appreciate that. I'm excited to work with anyone and assist you in your home buying process for sure.

Keith McKeever 12:23

Awesome. Well, thanks for being on here. Share with us.

Whitney Broomfield 12:26

Thank you for having me. You're awesome.