Mission309: Pekin’s Miller Center



Keith McKeever 0:22

Welcome back to another episode of mission 309, where the goal is to highlight to people and organizations that are making the greater Peoria area, a better place to live and the resources to help people and organizations thrive in the area. So, without further ado, I've got the Miller center in Pekin that's coming out today to share about who they are and what they do what they provide here in the Pekin area. So I've got Alicia with us today. So welcome to the show.

Alisha Dault 0:48

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Keith McKeever 0:50

Glad to have you here. I live in Peking is, you know, we met a while back and I'm really excited to have you here. I know of Pete of the Miller center. I think most peeking eyes probably know, the Miller center, but other people in the community may not. So before we do that, introduce yourself and a little bit of your story.

Alisha Dault 1:08

Sure. Sure. So my name is Alicia Dault. I am with obviously the Miller center. I have a master's degree in gerontology. So that's the Study of Aging I have that is my passion in life. I knew it back in college. So I have been working with seniors 20 plus years. And I just, they're, they're my people there, my population. So this job was the best fit for me. I've been the administrator here since 2015. But I actually started with Miller center back in oh four while I was getting my masters and doing part time work here. And then I just never really left because once I got my degree, I went on to have other full time jobs. But I would always come back and sponsor Miller center activities and do do things here because I, I wholeheartedly believe in what's going on here at Miller center. So that's about me. And so Miller center for so it's funny that you say you know, you know about millers, and I'm so glad about that. And hopefully most pika knights do No, but I have so many people that come in that say, oh, my gosh, I didn't realize what all you do. And so it's just that's probably one of the barriers is just trying to get the word out about who we are what we do. And why should you come to Miller center, why should you be here? So I'm so excited to be able to get that out today with you?

Keith McKeever 2:38

Absolutely. Well, I think it was an important conversation. Because when you look at our population as a whole across across our country, you know, the baby boomer generation, they're off the top of my head, I think they're pretty much all retirement age are right around that. You know, so it's an aging population. And it's a huge population. And so they need activities, they need things to do, they need to be engaged, we can't just put people into assisted living facilities and nursing homes and just let them sit in rooms.

Alisha Dault 3:11

And they will need to do they won't do that, right. They're not going to do that for sure.

Keith McKeever 3:18

Unfortunately, as society like, you know, we may have done that with past generations, and it's not necessarily the right thing to do. So it's great to have organizations that are want to say, hey, look, let's find some things to do. Like, you may have some mobility issues or whatever because of your age, but doesn't mean that you can't get pushed out to a table. And in play cards, you're talking to people watch TV, play games, arts, crafts, like all kinds of different things. I'm sure you'll get into all kinds of those things here in a minute. But it's an important thing, you know, we got to take care of the elderly people want to think 2020 showed us that people that are in facilities or people who are not, and they're still in their homes were kind of forgotten about in a lot of ways because of the events that are going on the world. And I don't want to, you know, dive down that rabbit hole. But it's important that they that we don't forget about them. And we just love them and activities and things.

Alisha Dault 4:13

And just to touch on that just briefly, because we don't want to be negative with COVID. But COVID was really hard on our senior population. They were so isolated that it took such a toll on mental health alone. That it really I mean, it hurt us all. But being alone in your home, and maybe without some of the resources that you truly need or people contact to have. It really took a toll so we're seeing more and more people coming out of the woodwork from COVID and accessing resources here which is which has been good.

Keith McKeever 4:49

That does not surprise me. So with that. So what does or do we do? Does Miller center serve? Well, what exactly do you guys do?

Alisha Dault 4:58

So we have met other centers, part of the Pekin Park District. We are 40 years old. So back in 82. Gene Miller left money to for the purpose of seniors, which was so forward thinking back then, which was awesome, awesome. For the size of in town of what Pekin is, we have a full running senior center that has I mean, you'll you'll hear all about the activities and things that we do. And that's not, we don't have that we're kind of the only one in the central Illinois area that has the freestanding building, just for seniors. So that's pretty amazing right there and something that Pekin shouldn't be proud of, for sure, I truly am. So the Miller center started because there were people older than, you know, maybe 6065 that wanted to get together. And they, they were loud about it and got a you know, built the built the building and the people come so to speak. So they started with, you know, doing more things like Bible studies, and Bingo was always huge back then, in different inner, you know, social interaction activities. But we have grown so much since since then. So, I started, we were part of the Pekin Park District, and so partially, you know, subsidized through that mostly subsidized through the Pekin Park District. And so that's that's important to know that that the Pekin community is giving back to the seniors in this way, which is which is amazing. So as far as what we do here, and who we serve, we say 50 Or better come it doesn't matter your age, we don't ID anybody. You know, and we actually have people bring, you know, sometimes they'll bring their kids or their grandkids with them. And I love that intergenerational piece to it as well. So we are hard pressed on what what age are you to be able to come? I will have 80 and 90 year olds come in and say, I'm not old enough to come to the Senior Center. Okay, you know, your heart, right? Right. You're only as old as you feel. But I'm like, Come and check out what we've got. Because we have over 60 programs, activities and services going nonstop. Stop trying to please everyone. So we had we kind of beat several generations in in a way you know, we've got the people that still want to do the bingo, make crafts, we've got a great wood carving room that also has lapidary machines in it. So that's the polishing of rock and stone. So we've got what, you know, we've got that going on. We've got card groups galore, we've got Pinnacle double pinnacle. Euchre, you know, they're they're playing, you find a card group, you're gonna find it here at Miller center for sure. So we've kind of got that, you know, and I'll say like sedentary activities, you know, people, you're sitting and doing these things, you're interacting with people. But then we've got another group that loves being active, and engaging. And so it's exercise with Annie. It's awesome last year, and I think this is part of COVID related is that our exercise with AMI classes, we've got two, that two classes on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, and they have grown over 40% in participation. And I yeah, I know. And I think part of it, as people were wanting to get out, they need to be moving. And this class truly is you move at your level. So if you need to sit and do the exercises, that's totally fine. If you want to stand and do them and make them a little more difficult. You can do that, like you work at your level. And they kind of just they do fun things within the it's not the same thing every, you know, every class. So Annie really spices it up. And so that particular class is partially you know, sponsored by icpr, which is, you know, Dr. Schumer's office here in town, which is amazing. That helps us to be able to offer the class at a very low rate. So that's

Keith McKeever 9:22

great subject matter experts and helping people. Yes. Through through those movements and stuff like that. Absolutely based.

Alisha Dault 9:31

Yep, yep. And then we've got a walking club. So we've got we've got physical movement happening. We've got a lot of activities, we've got a line dance class, beginners and intermediate and that just started back up. And it's been a full class. It's amazing to see it square dancing, so we've got the movement happening dancing. Oh, that's

Keith McKeever 9:51

still a thing.

Alisha Dault 9:52

It is a thing and you'd be surprised like they're these people come from near and far so you don't have to live in Pekin just to be Come to Miller center, like it's not a membership, like people are coming from Champaign and Bloomington to do the square dances because they're not. As you know, there are only so many places that will do.

Keith McKeever 10:12

That doesn't surprise me that at least special would you said that I, my grandparents, they've been gone for a long time. But they used to square dance all the time, you know, in the 60s to think they kind of stopped by the time the 90s came around. But yeah, the 1990s not their 90s. But all right. What's the last form? You Oh, yeah. Oh, yes, that's, that's a lot of movement, do a square dancing. I remember learning that in school was not experienced as a gym class. But that's why I kind of chuckle about it, like square dancing, that's still.

Alisha Dault 10:47

And they'll do lessons as well. But then they have actual square dances twice a month. So that's, that's going on. I mean, and that serves a population that maybe wouldn't, you know, get out and move. But this is their thing. And they love it. And they want more and more people to come. So if you're into square dancing, or want to learn it, we've got that which is, which is so cool.

Keith McKeever 11:09

There you go. Yeah, my mind is blown. And so that's also really cool at the same time.

Alisha Dault 11:13

Another activity that we've just really enhanced is with a partnership with my friend Tracy, guys, she she just started her business a few years ago called Golden tours, and she truly puts together senior day trips. And actually she's doing multi day trips now. But she gets the charter bus and she takes you on an excursion for the day or for multiple, multiple days. And so we've partnered with her. And we've got five day trips, leaving from Miller center. And part of those proceeds will go back to Miller center. So she donate some of the proceeds back to help keep us afloat, basically, to help keep us going. Because that's kind of our big thing is we have to depend on sponsorships and fundraisers to help keep things low cost for seniors. So, but the day trips are amazing. We've gone to Galena, we'll, we're gonna go see, this month, we're gonna go to Grumpy Old Men, which is the play up and I think I can't remember it's a suburb of Chicago, but we're gonna go to circuit 21. And what she does is she'll do an all inclusive, so you pay this amount of money, and you get your ticket into Grumpy Old Men, you get a an amazing lunch that she puts together, either with a restaurant or you know, she works with someone local, where we're headed. And then she is entertaining the whole way. You're playing bingo, or doing trivia on the way up and back and you meet new people. And it's a safe way to travel and see new places without you know,

Keith McKeever 12:50

I know whether you don't worry about driving, you

Alisha Dault 12:53

wouldn't just drive to Galena on our own or even maybe with one friend. But like if you're gonna jump on a bus with 40 friends, and it's a safe, it's a safe way to do it and see things so. So that's been really exciting as we've been doing more day trips as well. And that's what people want. They want to go and see and do.

Keith McKeever 13:13

That's really cool. So is there. That's a lot of activities, a lot of things that even I didn't know. So is there. Is there any big activities or big events that you guys do per year, or just regularly throughout the year that that people should know about?

Alisha Dault 13:31

Yes, so something it kind of evolved with COVID. But we do a power of H Expo Lunch and Learn once a month. And we used to do one giant Expo a year and that would bring 300 people in and vendors and entertainment and food and all this. But that was one pre COVID. But it was also I'm seeing that our population doesn't want to sit all day and kind of be committed to four or five hours of an event. And so we dialed it back to a lunch and learn because they're wanting that education piece. They want to meet vendors and meet what resources are out there in the community. And they get a free lunch through that. So for instance, yesterday we had Margie gets with the Methodist College of Nursing come and talk about a matter of balance. And this is a class that we're going to be starting in March and we work with the the College of Nursing to promote and educate them on actually on how to fall if you're going to fall. Don't be scared. Here's how to protect yourself from potentially breaking your bones, how to avoid falls, and then also strength training within that so she you know, this is an event that so yesterday she came and spoke about about that and about hopefully signing people up so that we don't have to spend as a nation 50 I think she said $50 billion on falls a year that could potentially be prevented. Yeah,

Keith McKeever 15:03

it surprised me really? It's a lot of people who've taken false in there. Yeah.

Alisha Dault 15:11

And some of those, it's like, Okay, do we need those rugs down on the floor? Do you know that she this class makes you think of, you know, how can I make my environment safer? How?

Keith McKeever 15:21

What are those hazards that you have in your daily life? Exactly. So,

Alisha Dault 15:25

so that was yesterday, but we do it once. This Expo we do once a month on the fourth Tuesday of every month, and I've got, you know, lunch sponsor. So we require registration for that, just because we do have our lunch sponsors. And it's a free lunch. So we need to know how much food to make. But like next month is going to be the Tazewell County Health Department talking about adult immunizations, and just getting that education out on, you know, pros and cons. Maybe it's not for everyone, but what do we need to know about it, and then they're actually going to be doing the shingles vaccination clinic that day, because Medicare's actually paying for the vaccine now, which just happened in 2023. So the, these are types of things that we do monthly just to try to get education out there. And to get a meal, and then to be together and to be able to ask questions together about, you know, specific topics that are age related. So that's something free stuff. Yeah. The other thing I have to mention that we do is transportation. And I can't say enough how much of a need it is for seniors. And I'm not saying that, you know, it's just people that don't drive. So we offer this transportation service, and we go not only in Pekin, to grocery stores, doctors, pharmacies, wherever they may need to go hairdressers, that's very important to

Keith McKeever 16:52

everybody needs haircut, right.

Alisha Dault 16:56

But also will will drive them to Peoria or to Morton to those specialists. And some people may drive in Pekin and feel very safe to do that. But they don't want to take a chance and puree because they are not familiar with with, you know, the one way streets and the construction and where this doctors located it kind of

Keith McKeever 17:13

Sure, or a couple of years since they've really ventured out there for

Alisha Dault 17:18

Absolutely. So I've got two wheelchair accessible vans that are on the road five days a week, taking people to appointments and picking them up and getting them where they need to go. And it's truly helping them to maintain their independence. Because if it's something where they're just not comfortable driving, or they're not able to drive anymore, for whatever reason, we can take they can take it, you know, and give us a call and make that appointment instead of depending on maybe an adult child to get off work and, you know, work around schedules that way. So it's such a huge service, we started it back in 1989 was when they noticed, people were needing rides to Miller center actually is how it started. And from then, you know, they did maybe 6060 trips that month or something, you know, in the month time that they're starting off, we're seeing close to 600 trips in a month's time. Now, I mean, we're taking people three days a week to dialysis because they're unable to get there. Everything we do, like that's a suggested donation, and so no one is turned away for inability to pay. We are partially funded through the Pekin United Way. And we do you know, obviously with Ryder donation, so that covers the between the two of those that covers about 23% of the cost. And then the park district and it's my job to subsidize the rest to find fundraisers and sponsors to help support and keep that going. Because it's such a need. And it's just it's not met in so many communities. So we are lucky to have that for our seniors as well. And we do a big fundraiser every year called Walk for a ride. That one takes place in September. But we are gearing up for it. So every month we're going to do like we might have, you know, last month we did a monocles day where you go and eat and a percentage goes to us. It's all for transportation. So this month, we're going to be having one with a volunteers and working with local businesses just to you know, help support them, but then they help and support us and give back to to that that such such a needed cause.

Keith McKeever 19:35

A little bit. I think there's one thing I've noticed, with I guess, almost 10 over 10 years now living in this community is there's a lot of collaboration amongst nonprofits and business owners here in Pekin that sometimes it's well I guess you could say community wide here and greater Peoria. So whatever it takes, sometimes that collaborative effort, so which which is awesome, but I'm jumping sure that transportation is probably a pretty big, big chunk of your, of your budget and your stress every year to try and make that happen. And it's

Alisha Dault 20:07

it is it absolutely is. But But what's great is the park, the board, park board commissioners are dedicated to that. And they know that the services that we provide are so so important that, you know, that's it. I'm not saying that cuts are happening in the park by any means. But we aren't on the chopping block. I mean, they know that the importance of it, we're going to do our best to keep it going. And so that's, that's what we're doing fundraising and, and looking for those dollars,

Keith McKeever 20:34

make sure that it doesn't get on the chopping block, right? Exactly, that's my job, got to be sure to the eyes on the you know, the eyes on the ball, you know, the sports reference, because we got to keep in mind that. I mean, there's a lot of a lot of organizations, a lot of nonprofits that people give support, but sometimes it's hard to figure out which one but, you know, when we're talking about seniors here, we're talking about our family members, we're talking about our aunts, or uncles, or parents or grandparents,

Unknown Speaker 21:01

the neighbors next door, like, you know, it's, it affects all of us, you know, pretty much everybody's got somebody that's that you're related to or close to that, that could, could or hopefully does receive services. So everything about that, you know, and every every little bit helps when it comes to fundraising.

Alisha Dault 21:19

And I always tell people to because this is important for me, when I'm personally donating to places I want to know how much stays local, and what's supporting my neighbors versus what's supporting the bigger corporation. And 100% of of any donations to the Miller center stays right here in Pekin and supports the greater area because you know, we're taking those you got to start in Pekin, but we're taking them to Peoria to those doctors over there to the clinics or wherever it might be. And so yeah, we're truly taking them out to where, where they need to go. And so doing our best to keep them keep them going.

Keith McKeever 21:59

Well, no doubt about it is huge, huge impact on people's quality of life, to be able to come and get activities, you know, access to their medical care, dental care, those kinds of things. So no, my last my last question for you is for those that aren't aware exactly where you're located, where is your, your main building located at.

Alisha Dault 22:18

So we are in the heart of mineral springs Park off of 14th Street if you're familiar, which is one of the main you know, streets in Pekin, and we are right across from the lagoon at 551 South 14th street and I got to put a plug in because our location is actually also the location of the Pekin farmers market because I decided to take that on three years ago. And and that's been an awesome growing market as well. We've got a great location for that to hold an outdoor farmers market but if the weather's bad, we bring it inside the Miller center. But what's cool is we'll have live music, we've got food trucks, we've got vendors out there it can be a family friendly night where you know you you go visit the Market, make your purchases, eat your dinner, listen to the music and then head over to the to the kitty corral and let your kids play or walk the lagoon and enjoy the the views and the you know all the wildlife that's out there it's just we're in a really cool location I gotta be honest so

Keith McKeever 23:20

I tried to sneak that in there a you know so everybody knew where it's at. But it is a tremendously tremendous location right there across from the lagoon. You can't miss it. If you go well, you know, if you go down Court Street, you can't miss the lagoon. So you can't miss that. Right behind the church that was at the Methodist church right there when the

Alisha Dault 23:38

quote we share with the First United Methodist Church so I thought it was

Keith McKeever 23:41

Methodist. But yeah, I mean, convenient location, but you're right. On on the on the the park being right there.

Alisha Dault 23:54

It's all walking distance. Very easy. I mean, easy to to maneuver around. And it's a beautiful park. I mean, who can go and you know, you can do paddle boats. I mean, you can go and do many golf. It's not that far away. You can you know, there's so many other things you can do in the park and then and enjoy. Whether it's the middle or center or the farmers market or whatever it is. We do have a pretty awesome park in Pekin. I've been I'm very proud to work for the park, but I'm very proud to be from Pekin and to share about the park because we've got an amazing park district as well.

Keith McKeever 24:31

So since you mentioned the farmers market, when is that expected to open up? So you're not but Oh, I did close on that?

Alisha Dault 24:40

Yep, I sure do. I'm actually looking. I've got vendor applications out now. And actually first, I look for corporate sponsors as well because I've got to fund it somehow. And we are Thursdays from 330 to 630 Starting in June and it goes through all August. So we'll be the about 14 weeks season. I've already got a farmer committed, which I'm thrilled because that's that's the hardest part is being a new market. You're competing with other markets, and product and farmers and vendors that want to go to all that they maybe can't do all the markets and ours grew tremendously last year. And I'm seeing repeat vendors coming back this year. So we're starting it in June and just be ready.

Keith McKeever 25:28

Awesome. Awesome. Well, any any last words about the Miller center anything else that we didn't go to? No,

Alisha Dault 25:36

our tagline is to enjoy your age, like that's on T shirts and everything. It doesn't matter what age you are, enjoy your age, and stop in and check us out. Because I mean, we have so many, so many things to offer. I've got a great newsletter that will keep you up to date. So you can always go to our website, and click on the newsletter. And that'll tell you all this special events going on all the regular activities happening, but don't hesitate. That's the biggest thing I hear is Man, I wish I would have come in sooner because I've met so many people and there's so much fun. So just come on in, you'll be met with a smile, and we'll take you around and show you introduce you to people and find fun things to do.

Keith McKeever 26:19

Awesome. Well, once again, I appreciate you coming on here sharing with us. Thank you. Like I said earlier, I thought you know, I knew a lot about it. But you know, gee, I learned a few more things like rock polishing and some awesome sounding day trips. Right? I'm gonna have to share that with a few people. I know that I'll use some day trips. So that's, that's some awesome stuff. And I appreciate you sharing with us.

Alisha Dault 26:42

Thank you so much for the opportunity. I appreciate it. Yes.

Keith McKeever 26:45

And for anybody who who ends up watching this, I've got the links and everything and down in the show notes. So go check out the Facebook page. So you go like that. Websites down there. If you want to make a donation. There's some ways there. But most importantly, share this share this with anybody who might use it might want the resources. That's the biggest thing that you can do is get it out there to people who can use it. Right. So all right. Thank you for sharing.

Alisha Dault 27:12

Awesome. Thank you


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